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Oleksiy Koval

Oleksiy Koval

Author of the book

Oleksiy Koval’s book “Let’s Quit Smoking Together” was created over four years. The first versions of the book were distributed only in the electronic version. Later, the book was refined, becoming more perfect and suitable for all types of smokers. Work on the book was completed in 2011.

For twelve years, the book was distributed free of charge among Ukrainians and published in other countries of the world.

From the author:

Friends, the year 2023 has come, for twelve years my book has been distributed free of charge, and alas, I practically stood still. Yes, a lot has been done
a public organization was registered, thousands of actions were held
in Ukraine and abroad, but I did not do the most important thing – I did not publish a book for teenagers that would prepare for a proposal to smoke.

The most annoying thing is that the book is almost ready, there are details that I want to change on this and I do not give the book to print.

For twelve years, unfortunately, no one has given us a single penny, accounts for a public organization have long been closed, for everything
her existence, not a single person transferred a single hryvnia to her account, everything was done for my earnings, but they were always lacking.

For the fifth time we will remake the application for iPhone, for Android it is not finished yet, I even wrote this site myself. Development needs money and only for this reason
we will sell the new edition of the book for money, but at a very low price, not much higher than the cost of printing and trade margins.

If you can, and most importantly want to help us, contact me in any convenient way or go to the section
Help the project!
Thanks everyone!